Well this time next month, I will be getting ready to go to Aylesbury and visit my friends and family, will also be wedding dress hunting and looking at venues as I'm getting married around the end of March 2009.
Also in 2 weeks time we will be moving from our home ( as we sold our house, within 2 weeks of it being on the market!!) and going to stay with Darren's mum until we can get a flat of our own.
Have been quite busy trying to arrange plans for the move, whats going in storage, finding boarding for our pets while were at my mums, so haven't been posting much really... just the occasional photo of how I'm doing.
Well so far since Jan 18Th, I've lost 3 stone 4 lbs, and have gone down 3 sizes, I feel great and have so much more energy, I still have quite a bit to loose, but as long as i can get back into a 16 I'll be happy.
Tuesday, 13 May 2008
Not long!
Posted by Louise Galt at 4:25 pm 2 comments
Monday, 12 May 2008
Posted by Louise Galt at 10:27 am 2 comments
Saturday, 12 April 2008
Look at me now!
Posted by Louise Galt at 8:29 pm 4 comments
Monday, 17 March 2008
Im starting to like Mondays
Posted by Louise Galt at 1:44 pm 7 comments
Sunday, 16 March 2008

Posted by Louise Galt at 1:40 pm 6 comments
Friday, 14 March 2008
Catch up
Ok I've missed a few prompts from HSMS, I will try catch up with all of them within the next week, here are some I caught up with yesterday. The bus ticket I found at the bottom of my bag, heaven knows why I keep such things, its been in there well over a year too.
Posted by Louise Galt at 7:58 pm 3 comments
Thursday, 6 March 2008
Fluff and Jar
Jar, best rasberry jam, yum.

Posted by Louise Galt at 10:36 am 3 comments
Saturday, 1 March 2008

Posted by Louise Galt at 3:55 pm 2 comments
Thursday, 28 February 2008
Was struggling with this one, so looked through some old photo's and came across this one, I was visiting my family one Christmas (04 I think) when It got late one evening my mum had disappeared, I had a funny feeling where she would be and what she would be doing, so grabbed my camera ............ I was right so caught! here she is sitting wrapped in a sleeping bag so she didn't get cold playing world of warcraft on her PC, drinking tea and eating chocolate. Yes I have a cool mum because she plays WOW lol.

Posted by Louise Galt at 5:12 pm 6 comments
Wednesday, 27 February 2008
Tower :
A tall narrow construction, either free standing or forming a part of a building. Find a 'tower' in your space today.
A bit of a cheat as this was taken last year. I can't remember the name of it, but its close to the castle.
Posted by Louise Galt at 4:01 pm 3 comments
Tuesday, 26 February 2008
Fungus ................
Posted by Louise Galt at 9:36 am 14 comments
Monday, 25 February 2008
Catch up
Posted by Louise Galt at 12:17 pm 7 comments
Monday, 18 February 2008
Im back!
Posted by Louise Galt at 2:13 pm 9 comments
Monday, 11 February 2008
Posted by Louise Galt at 3:54 pm 3 comments
Wednesday, 6 February 2008
Sin 3 - Greed

Posted by Louise Galt at 9:57 pm 3 comments
Tuesday, 5 February 2008
7 deadly sins...
I couldn't remember all of the 7 sins, so had a look round and found this little online quiz. Well turns out .... I have committed many sins, but Lust is the mortal sin that has done me in. What sin are you?
Greed: | Medium | |
Gluttony: | Medium | |
Wrath: | Very Low | |
Sloth: | Medium | |
Envy: | Low | |
Lust: | High | |
Pride: | Medium |
Discover Your Sins - Click Here
Posted by Louise Galt at 10:59 pm 1 comments
I could have done this prompt easily a few weeks back, as I could of just snapped myself stuffing my gob, so has taken me a while to come up with this one, after eating my tea (chicken stirfry yum) I had two pancakes and felt so full, I had to undo the button on my jeans lol yep I felt like a glutton.
Posted by Louise Galt at 8:18 pm 5 comments
Monday, 4 February 2008
Get yer kit off!
Well today I wasn't going to play along with HS:MS, mainly because Ive so much to do today and have not long been back from WW and town, but when I had a peek to see what the word was I thought i'd come across one of those websites you need a credit card for LOL, there for all the see were two pert bottys, the word is Lust so I thought well have to join in today with this just hope I don't give random veiwers the wrong impression ha ha!
So here we have Lust, lol ive quite impressed myself looks like the cover of a steamy novel.
Oh and I lost 1.5lb this week, not much but its better than putting it on I spose.
Posted by Louise Galt at 1:41 pm 13 comments
Sunday, 3 February 2008
Going to be busy
I might not be as regular with posting over the next few weeks or so, mainly because we have loads to do to the house, and I'm trying to get out more and concentrating on my new way of life. I will try post as often as I can and play along with HS:MS when I can. If any one needs me you can email me on the link.
Take care and love to all
Posted by Louise Galt at 6:13 pm 0 comments
Saturday, 2 February 2008
The weekend already!
The healthy eating is going great and I'm looking forward to mondays weigh-in to see what I've lost, am also going to pick up there new cook book and try my hand at some new recipes.
With missing the last two days I've also missed two prompts ( organise and string ) I will catch up on them later, as for my self portrait ain't going to happen today, I look rough and my battery is on charge so this will have to do for now.

Hmmm that will teach me to try and be ahead, LOL they have added a twist this saturday to the self portrait.
Ok, a little twist today...instead of SELF portrait Saturday ,i'm declaring today...SOMEONE else portrait Saturday...just for a change!!! So...show us a portrait of someone else today!!!!
Again an older one as my battery is dead, but not too old (Sept 07) my brother and sister, the last time I saw them.
Posted by Louise Galt at 9:46 am 8 comments
Wednesday, 30 January 2008
The colour of money
Show us what is being used for currency in your space today!

Posted by Louise Galt at 9:32 am 15 comments
Tuesday, 29 January 2008
Album cover game
- The title of the first article on the page is the name of your band: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Random
- The last four words of the very last quote is the title of your album: http://www.quotationspage.com/random.php3
- The third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover:
http://www.flickr.com/explore/interesting/7days/ - Use your graphics program of choice to throw them together ... and hey presto! You have your album cover!
For the name of my band I got Dumb Enough, which is quite funny, the album title is "I don't need them" (a quote from Paul "Bear" Bryant, I Ain't Never Been Nothing but a Winner) and I used the picture I got too, so here's my album cover. ( I cropped the image to square shape to look more album like ;o)

Posted by Louise Galt at 3:47 pm 3 comments
Tuesday 29 January
Phooey was hoping to go out on a nice long walk with Darren and the dog today, but its been raining non-stop since I went to bed last night at 12:30, its so dark and miserable, so I'm staying inside where its warm and relaxing with a couple of magazines, maybe some crafting too after Ive made some 0 point vegetable soup :o)
An Idea or opinion appearing in your mind. Show us 'think' in your space today.

Posted by Louise Galt at 11:22 am 11 comments
Monday, 28 January 2008
Before I start I went along to the weightwatchers meeting got on fine, and I'm glad I did as I like there scales better, I weighed 5lbs less LOL.
Rach has tagged me, so here's my songs, in no particular order:
The Human League - Open Your Heart
My mum had the album and I so loved this song (still do) I used to run around the house dancing to it when i was very young.
The Bangles - Eternal Flame
A song that played at the school disco's, usually the last one of the night, and all the boys would run away because they didn't want to dance with the girls, although some did but never with me :o( so this is a sad one for me (awwwwwwwwww) lol.
The Bangles - Walk Like An Egyptian
Another Bangles one (They where a favourite of mine as a kid) I had there album and used to also dance around to this one to entertain the family lol (dot ya just love the 80's for music and fashion)
The Proclaimers - I'm On My Way
I've always like this song, but when I was making the big decision to go on my way to loose weight this came on the radio and gave me a little inspiration (on my way from misery to happiness)
PPK - Resurrection
This was released the same year I got into dance music and I LOVE it also the same year I met my other half Darren.
I loved loads of other songs too and could probably go on forever with this list but these are my 5.
I cant really think of who to tag, but if you haven't been tagged yet and would like to be, leave a comment and I will tag you ;o)
Posted by Louise Galt at 4:20 pm 1 comments
Where did it go...
Posted by Louise Galt at 8:34 am 13 comments