Yesterday was a chilled day didn't do nothing apart from a double page layout (which is 70% finished) and sitting on the PC reminiscing nostalgic things from my past, which is what my scrap layout is all about, me being a 'child of the 80's'. Still on the subject of days gone by, Ive been trying to remember the name of a sweet from when I was a child (think it was early 80's 83 maybe) it was a green mint flavoured honeycomb type bar covered in chocolate, and mum used to buy me one in woolies if I'd been good, she cant remember the name either though.
Anyhoo today is a eurghh day, its wet, dark and cold, so no exercise for the dog today, I have washing to put away though so will take a bit at a time up the stairs ;o)
Today's prompt at HS:MS is
A circular shape, pattern or marking. Find 'ring' in your space today.
Chance wont be getting out in this weather so here hangs his leash, waiting for the rain to stop.

Fab shot...can't remember the same of the sweet....or ever eating it myself.
I can't remember the sweet either. Great take on todays word. My two are pacing about in need of walk I think I may have to brave the weather later and take them for a quick one as they will only fight otherwise. Have a good day. x
Sorry, but I can't help with the name of the sweet either.
Great shot for today. Hope the rain goes off soon.
Hmm me neither. Love that shot. Very good!
great ring and nice to see it with it's shadow (^_^)
great photo Louise, love the shadow on the wall!
Great shot, love the shadow on the wall.
cool shot!
I love the light and shadow in this one - wonderful.
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