Eurghhh I feel all icky today mainly because I did indulge a little too much last night, while watching a shameless fest last night I managed to munched through half a bag of popcorn, crisps, iced gems and some purple ones out of the roses tin, washed down with a thick chocolate milkshake, (no wonder I'm the size of a house) I'm suffering now though.
Well indulge is also the word prompt today for HS:MS
To allow oneself to enjoy a pleasure.

love the "indulge" shot!!!
oooh iced gems i haven't had those in years!
love how you spelt out the word - fab!
I love the 2nd picture. Wouldn't be able to do that here as they would be gone before I spelt out the d!!! x
Mmmmmmmmm .... Cadbury's! Can't beat it!
LOVE the word in chocolate!!! great idea :) Can we have a shot by shot as it is eaten too?!
Great take with the word! Did you put them back in the tin after or eat them?!
I nearly took the same photo! i did the same the other night - even though I don't really like roses! Love the away shot
brilliant take on indulge. i too would just keep dipping in lol x
Oh that's the worst time to indulge in sweets and goodies, when watching a dvd/tv. I always eat waaaay too much! So I know how you feel. Love your photos.. very creative and colourful.. Brilliant x
This is great, good thinking!! :)
Excellent...Love it, Love it , Love it!! Glad I'm not the only one who pigs out lol. Fab how you made the word out of the sweeties :D
Cool - love the way you spelled it out with the candies - very creative! Both great shots.
Oh I LOOOOOVVVVVEEEE the second shot . . . fabulous idea . . . one day I will have to try that ;-)
I used to be able to live on chocolate :-) but now it's too sickly :-( OMG maybe I am turning in to a man!!! LOL
p.s. I also love Razorlight & dance music :-)
That is so clever!! Cool!
Lovely!!! great shots too!!
Great! Love the idea and the bright colors.
Fab photos! (goes off to dig out her box of Celebrations choccies...) :o)
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