Show us what is being used for currency in your space today!

home of every thing crafty!
Posted by Louise Galt at 9:32 am 15 comments
For the name of my band I got Dumb Enough, which is quite funny, the album title is "I don't need them" (a quote from Paul "Bear" Bryant, I Ain't Never Been Nothing but a Winner) and I used the picture I got too, so here's my album cover. ( I cropped the image to square shape to look more album like ;o)
Posted by Louise Galt at 3:47 pm 3 comments
Phooey was hoping to go out on a nice long walk with Darren and the dog today, but its been raining non-stop since I went to bed last night at 12:30, its so dark and miserable, so I'm staying inside where its warm and relaxing with a couple of magazines, maybe some crafting too after Ive made some 0 point vegetable soup :o)
Posted by Louise Galt at 11:22 am 11 comments
Before I start I went along to the weightwatchers meeting got on fine, and I'm glad I did as I like there scales better, I weighed 5lbs less LOL.
Rach has tagged me, so here's my songs, in no particular order:
The Human League - Open Your Heart
My mum had the album and I so loved this song (still do) I used to run around the house dancing to it when i was very young.
The Bangles - Eternal Flame
A song that played at the school disco's, usually the last one of the night, and all the boys would run away because they didn't want to dance with the girls, although some did but never with me :o( so this is a sad one for me (awwwwwwwwww) lol.
The Bangles - Walk Like An Egyptian
Another Bangles one (They where a favourite of mine as a kid) I had there album and used to also dance around to this one to entertain the family lol (dot ya just love the 80's for music and fashion)
The Proclaimers - I'm On My Way
I've always like this song, but when I was making the big decision to go on my way to loose weight this came on the radio and gave me a little inspiration (on my way from misery to happiness)
PPK - Resurrection
This was released the same year I got into dance music and I LOVE it also the same year I met my other half Darren.
I loved loads of other songs too and could probably go on forever with this list but these are my 5.
I cant really think of who to tag, but if you haven't been tagged yet and would like to be, leave a comment and I will tag you ;o)
Posted by Louise Galt at 4:20 pm 1 comments
Posted by Louise Galt at 8:34 am 13 comments
Posted by Louise Galt at 8:58 am 17 comments
Posted by Louise Galt at 10:22 am 9 comments
Posted by Louise Galt at 10:07 am 10 comments
Today's prompt is Wrinkle,
A slight fold in fabric or skin. Come brave and show us your wrinkles!
Well me not having any wrinkles ;o) (shhhhhh) I wondered what I could shoot, my dog Chance is a chubby wrinkly doggie but don't want to copy Anita's gorgeous Willis (love that name, reminds me of one of my old fav shows Different strokes "what you talkin 'bout Willis" lol).
So while I was thinking about it and searching the fridge for idea's for lunch I saw this cauliflower, its quite wrinkly ain't it ?
Posted by Louise Galt at 10:18 am 9 comments
Posted by Louise Galt at 5:57 pm 2 comments
Posted by Louise Galt at 10:17 am 9 comments
Posted by Louise Galt at 12:55 pm 6 comments
Posted by Louise Galt at 12:54 pm 11 comments
I often forget how numbers are all around us, numbers for measuring, numbers for timing, numbers for counting and phoning, So when I found out the word prompt for today was Number I was spoilt for choice... but decided as I have spent most of my day doing housework and laundry these would fit well. I'm quite proud of myself with what Ive got done in 4 hours, the house is spotless and smells of febreze, pledge and clean washing, bit worried that Darren might pass out when he gets in and notices what Ive done lol.
An arithmetical value expressed by a word, symbol or figure. Show us a 'number' in your space today!
Posted by Louise Galt at 1:24 pm 10 comments
Posted by Louise Galt at 11:51 am 18 comments
... when you don't take your camera somewhere, because you don't think your get any shots, then when your there you miss every opportunity under the sun. Well we went to Darren's mums for our tea, his sister was there too with our 3 nephews ( James 7, Ryan 4 & Flynn 2) so we had lots of fun, Flynn showed me how to do a jigsaw (them wooden ones) and insisted on applauding every correctly fitted piece which was adorable, Ryan was fascinated by the birthday cake and had to put candles in it (we couldn't find 32 so had to settle for 10) then after tea me and James played guess who, and yeah I got beat! After all that we had to light the candles on the cake so the boys could help their uncle Daz blow them out which was brilliant Flynn loved it so much, we had to keep relighting them so he could blow them out again, he got so excited and the look on his face, I'm so gutted I didn't take my camera. Anyway cake tasted fab which I was surprised about lol, and there was loads left too.
On to HS:MS the word prompt today is :- Away
To go at a distance from a specified thing, place or person. Show us 'away' in your space today.
This was taken last year when me and Darren went out for a walk, I'm using for today as there is nobody here and I'm stuck for ideas.
Posted by Louise Galt at 9:49 am 12 comments
Posted by Louise Galt at 11:08 am 12 comments
Poor 'postman uncle daz' (what his wee nephews call him) Its his birthday today and he's stuck out in the cold delivering loads of mail, well at least he has a posh cake to come back to (yep I managed it, took me long enough) We going down to his mums for some Chinese food so that will be nice.
Anyway here's the progress to the finished cake, not identical but close enough lol.
Posted by Louise Galt at 9:53 am 3 comments
Posted by Louise Galt at 4:38 pm 7 comments
Posted by Louise Galt at 9:22 pm 1 comments
Posted by Louise Galt at 10:05 am 11 comments
Posted by Louise Galt at 7:58 pm 0 comments
Posted by Louise Galt at 11:36 am 11 comments
This Christmas Santa bought our dog Chance a new friend, his name was Funky Munky, at first they seemed to get on so well, but during a play fight Chance got carried away and left poor munky eyeless.....
.... Munky did have his revenge and held Chance hostage...... .... but not for long, Chance struck back with vengeance .....
... and now funky munky looks like this, which is handy for todays prompt on HS:MS
A collection of fibres to sew or indeed make fabric. Who has threads?
Posted by Louise Galt at 2:39 pm 11 comments
Ok many people managed to capture steam with out cheating like myself so I tried again this time with a iron (which get used more for straightening my hair than clothes) not a great picture and its out of focus but hey its real steam and you can see it.
Posted by Louise Galt at 12:30 pm 8 comments
Posted by Louise Galt at 9:28 pm 1 comments
Oooo my feet are tired today, went out to the museum and into greyfriars graveyard (I fancied somewhere different to photo) but the weather was pants and it started raining so some photos where rushed. will upload and link to my flickr account later today if anyone wants to see.
Today on HS:MS the word is Bling : All that sparkles and twinkles. Show us 'bling' in your space today.
Well here is something very bling looking (ok its not actually in MY space, I took it in the museum) and oops was that busy taking the photo I'm not actually quiet sure what it is, just that its crystal and massive lol.
Posted by Louise Galt at 4:19 pm 11 comments
Tell me why?
Since my days back at school with all the bully's in the playground, Ive never liked Mondays, but Tuesday is another day and Darren's taking me out somewhere so I can experiment more with my camera.
Anyway the word today for HS:MS is Fold
To bend something over itself so that part of it covers another. Find 'fold' in your space today.
Posted by Louise Galt at 9:55 pm 8 comments
Sunday means sos on HS:MS, now I've taken lots of photos over Christmas and new year but none are like really wow, (wonder if it has anything to do with the amount I drank) but here are a couple that I like, a bit late putting them up today, as Ive just started getting my vision back after my dearest Darren poked me in the eye with a sausage (accidentally of course hmm they should some with a warning) LOL.
These two where taken at the Hogmany street party, the fireworks one didn't come out too well but when your squashed like sardines in a sea of 100'000 people it cant be helped lol.
Then these two I took during the snow we had on Friday, my cat Missy and the tree in my front garden, notice the little birdie in there.
Also managed to get a scrapbook layout done, my 1st this year.
Posted by Louise Galt at 2:06 am 2 comments