Tuesday, 22 January 2008


Today's prompt is Wrinkle,
A slight fold in fabric or skin. Come on...be brave and show us your wrinkles!

Well me not having any wrinkles ;o) (shhhhhh) I wondered what I could shoot, my dog Chance is a chubby wrinkly doggie but don't want to copy Anita's gorgeous Willis (love that name, reminds me of one of my old fav shows Different strokes "what you talkin 'bout Willis" lol).

So while I was thinking about it and searching the fridge for idea's for lunch I saw this cauliflower, its quite wrinkly ain't it ?


maz said...

Get us with our fruit n veg shots today! Lovley cauli...

Jenga said...

Yeah it's wrinkly ;) And I sooooo get your "What you talkin' bout Willis" comment!!! I loved that show :D

cassandra cusack said...

oooh clever! a very wrinkly cauli, great photo too

Diane Rooney said...

Louise, I love this photo. Good take on the word too. x

All of my Todays said...

Great take on the word and a cool shot too. x

Bambi said...

yummy wrinkle!

Louise said...

great close up:)

etteY said...

clever take! great shot!:)

Unknown said...

It is indeed very wrinkley and a very clever idea! Can we see the doggie anyway though?