Friday, 18 January 2008


Weather is pants and so is the lighting, have to go shopping to Asda and stop myself going down the cakes and biscuits isle. Also have to post a parcel to my kid sister and brother, hand made drawing pads and I'm sending them the rest of the roses chocolates too, so I don't eat anymore of them, Ive decided to try ........... going healthy ......... Oh it even sounds scary, but I need to do it and now before its too late you see I'm dangerously overweight now, I wasn't going to say what I weigh because I'm ashamed of what Ive done to my body, but I think if I see it myself and I know others have seen then I will be more determined to do something about it. OK I've just weighed myself (gulp) the numbers on the scale read 22.9 and that's stones, scary eh, Ive always been a big girl and the smallest size I've been is a size 14-16 I'm now wearing size 28-30, so I think you can understand now why I need to loose weight, another big reason I need to loose weight is so that I can be put forward for fertility treatment, because I suffer with PCOS its made it hard for me to try for children and after 5 unsuccessful years of trying it was agreed that I would need help, but Ive been told to loose weight before it will be offered. I tried to convince myself that I was happy this way and that it didn't bother me having children, but it does (badly). So from this day forward I'm going to give it my best shot and try my darn hardest. Its my fault, I'm to blame so I have to fix it.

This photo of me was taken Oct 2000

This was taken Dec 5th 2007 (my 28th Birthday)

Anyway enough with the depressing stuff, the word prompt today is
To hang or swing loosely. Find 'dangle' in your space today.
My cats dangly toy after she had finished pulling the feathers out.


. said...

LOL. It took me a while to realise what your Dangle picture was of - I didn't see the explanation below!! Great shot.

Good luck on the "going healthy" drive. love M

Unknown said...

Smashing dangle shot, cats definitely love the old dangle game dont they.

I totally admire your post today, I wish you all the luck in the world to achieve your goal xx

All of my Todays said...

Great shot for dangle. You go girl you can do it you know you can! Another quick tip - I know it's hard but do a knickers and bra, or swim suit, shot front back and side now before you start and then do the same shot each month so you can see the difference believe me it works I still look at mine in amazement! My email address is on my blog if you need it for anything or if I can help in anyway. x

Unknown said...

Great shot the feathers that they have pulled off.

Good luck with the health drive....I am also starting on one too.

Anonymous said...

Cor love the dangly idea lol :D

Good luck with the weight loss Louise... my heart goes out to you because I know how difficult it is!! I am a yo yo dieter and it has taken it's toll on me over the last few years... if I get on the scales and haven't lost a pound I comfort eat (no willpower) so I have decided to throw my scales in the bin and go by my clothes when I finally get a little willpower back. I'm sadly lacking it right now. Keeping my fingers crossed for you and don't be too hard on yourself x

Louise said...

What a very brave and honest post Louise. I'm working with a lady who has lost almost 6 stone in the last year and looks amazing, so it can be done!

Kerry said...

Love your angle for dangle!

And good luck on your quest for losing weight and starting a family. It sounds like you have the inspiration and determination to do it :)


Diane Rooney said...

Oh Louise, I feel for ya.. 2 reasons, 1 is that I've been overweight my whole adult life. Never had a weight problem until I had kids but was very aware that I could put weight on very easily. I'm now size 20/22. Still trying to lose weight. Used to be size 28/30 too.

Also my precious daughter. She's 20ys old; is very overweight too and has PCOS. Ugh! My heart breaks for her. Anyway, all the very best with your health push.. I'm with ya! x

Diane Rooney said...

Oh and love the dangly photo LOL x

Jenga said...

Best of luck with going "healthy" - small targets are the key I reckon. Tackle it a bit at a time. Loads and loads of positive vibes coming to you xxx

Anon said...

I was 44 on December 5th. Now *that's* depressing! LOL

I lost a stone last year, in 6 weeks. I tried the Tesco eDiets online. It was great. The food is, well...different, but there are a couple of recipes I still make because they are so tasty.

I also tried for 5 years to have children, had IVF with the first (she's 12 now) then the other three came along naturally.

Don't give up hope on the weight issue, or the babymaking!

Leave another comment if you want me to e-mail you x