Monday, 28 January 2008

Where did it go...

Cant believe the weekend is over! I had a break from blogging this weekend as I needed to catch up on some housework and do some thinking, I was thinking of signing up to the weightwatchers weekly meetings, but for those of you who know me well I'm a very shy person and don't do well in public situations, that's the main reason I haven't made any real friends since moving up here, I sort of became a hermit, a billy no mates lol, but I've spoke to some family members and a few girls on the WW message boards and everyone has said that the people at these meetings are all in the same boat (except I feel I'm going to be the biggest one in the boat and capsize it) So what the hell I'm going to give it a go, it might give me a confidence boost and help me make friends, my first meeting is at 10:00 this morning so I better get a move on.

Before I go though the word today on HS:MS is Snooze
A short, light sleep during the day. Find 'snooze' in your space.

Well that's easy because that's all these too buddies seem to do!
I have also been tagged by Rach so I shall do that when I get back.


Unknown said...

Great photo

etteY said...

awww so sweet!!

cookcreateread said...

Cuties! Good luck with WW thing - bet you're so not the biggest person there!!!

Louise said...

good luck at the ww meeting... you so won't be the biggest.
Love you snooze pic... too cute

The Cook said...

Fabulous shot - the black and white looks very striking. I bet you weren't the biggest at WW. At my group there were some very slim people trying to maintain their weight loss, but there were also lots of people much larger than me and it was a great support. Good luck with it! x

Bambi said...

that is such a wonderful shot!

Kate said...

Can't believe January's nearly over let alone the weekend! Love your snoozy pair.

Jen said...

aw bless, thats such an adorable photo! hope the ww meeting went well :D

pokettiger said...

Oooh love this one. The black and white combo and the sweetness of the dog and cat snuggling together is wonderful.

Jenga said...

awwwwwww awwwwwwww awwwwwwww!!! How cute!!!

Diane Rooney said...

Oh that's a fab fab photo, Louise. Fantastic! And well done for getting to the WW meeting. I know I should really be doing the same... I just keep putting it off.. So well done..! x

Sarah said...

Aw bless! That is so lovely x

All of my Todays said...

Awww they look so cute together. x