Monday, 17 March 2008

Im starting to like Mondays

Mondays used to really get me down, but today was different, the sun was shining, there was a nice warm breeze and as I walked along to weight watchers this morning I felt slightly confident that I would have shifted at least a lb, however when I stepped on the scales my mouth dropped open in disbelief, this week I lost 5lb. I not even sure how, as I had 2 takeaways this week (healthy choices though chicken kebabs, with lots of salad and no sauce) and I cut out that naughty night time snacking too, looks like its paid off.

Onto HS:MS prompt today is:

Blanket - Fabric sheeting to cover, warm and disguise. We all have blankets - which is your favourite?

Not really a blanket as such more of a poncho type wrap, but I use it like a blanket for snuggling up in and keeping warm.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the weight loss. Doesn't that always feel good! Great blanket!

Zoe said...

Lovely colour, and well done on the weight loss! x

All of my Todays said...

Wow congrats on the weight loss. How much is that in total now? I seem to be just staying the same but I am hoping the new job will give me a kick up the arse. x

Jenga said...

WAY 2 GO!!!! Great loss this week :)

Love the blanket :)

Louise said...

Well done on the weight loss... it was my second weigh in after officially going back to WW and I lost 6lbs... happy faces all round then:)
Love the blanket shot too

Diane Rooney said...

Really great on the weight loss...congrats! *hugs* And love that wrap/blanket. Beautiful and lovely photo x

Jolanda said...

Looks very confortable. I love the colour